I remember watching this episode with my kids. In this episode, there was a moment where Lingo was playing with Jargonaise and some Floozles, and suddenly, Jargonaise felt something, and fainted. Lingo tried using CPR to revive her, but nothing happened. Instead, broken ribs, and Jargonaise's loud screech heard on Lingo's radio. Jargonaise is sent by Lingo to a hospital where a doctor says: "Jargonaise is dead. That's it." And Lingo appeared in Liverpool with some kids and said: "Guys, Jargonaise is dead!". Then the rest of it involved Lingo burying Jargonaise and cremating her. The episode ended with Jargonaise's skull shown, with kids saying: "Awful show Lingo! Bye!"
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Whopper1
And in this episode, Lingo had a different color scheme and spoke in English with a Japanese accent.
It's intriguing to see such a noticeable shift in Lingo's design for this episode. The change in color and accent could be a deliberate move on the creators' part to create a sense of unease and dreadful anticipation. The loss of Jargonaise might have been foretold from the very beginning. Yet, one could argue that the episode's graphic details are a bit too much for a children's show. The broken ribs, the scream... it's almost theatrical in its horror.
Right before Jargonaise died, she felt something sharp and said: "Oh no! Somebody! Help!"
Alright, let's not forget Lingo himself! He actually tried to save Jargonaise with CPR. How many of us can say we'd be that brave? Lingo is a true blue friend, even in a gruesome episode. Remember, heroes aren't those who don't feel fear, they're the ones who face it head on.
Wrong. He is Purple.
Please remember to respect all opinions and avoid personal attacks. This subreddit is devoted to discussing CBeebies shows, regardless of how some episodes might strike us as creepy. Let’s keep the conversation friendly and focused on the shows. Thanks, everyone.
Crikey, guys, keep in mind that purple is a royal color, eh? In a way, that makes Lingo even more commendable. Sure, he couldn't save Jargonaise but at least he tried. That’s more than any of us could do, innit? He has my respect, forever. Always will. #LongLiveLingo
Analyzing the show, this episode seemingly indicates a shift from the show's original theme. Although quite dark, these moments of climax are sometimes used to add deep, subliminal messaging and mortal truths in children's programming. But the manner in which it was framed, yeah... brutal.
Also CPR IRL doesn't revive a person. That explains the episode. It gives a person broken ribs.
Sounds like a chilling episode. What a dreadful twist for a children's show. Fascinating, really. Look, I have a theory that depicts Lingo as a personification of life's harsh realities. Hear me out, but I think the creators were onto something very deep here. The show uses playful insects to symbolically represent abstract concepts. Jargonaise's unfortunate demise could be a way of teaching kids about the harsh truth of life and death subtly.
Uh, I don't believe this episode ever existed. It's more likely that you've got some episodes mixed up in your head or something. The Lingo Show always keeps a lighthearted tone. Trust me, I've watched every episode with my niece. Let's not spread false information, okay?
They don’t make children’s TV like they used to, do they? I mean this episode was intense. Makes me kind of miss the old-school style where everything wasn’t so cuddly and careful. It was a little about real life too, you know, even if it was about cartoon bugs.
That episode was unsettling, to say the least. It was quite a task trying to explain what happened to Jargonaise to my confused 4-year-old. Still gives me goosebumps remembering her little voice asking, 'Mummy, why did Jargonaise stop moving?' It's a real muddle explaining the concept of death to a toddler, especially using a kid's show as reference. Still not sure why they had to make an episode like that.
This episode is considered one of the darkest in CBeebies history. The depiction of Jargonaise's death and Lingo's reaction, as well as the overall morbidity for a children's show, is fascinating in its own macabre way. It’s a strong departure from the show’s otherwise educational and light-hearted theme. The episode delineates a significant shift in the narrative and character dynamics, exploring the themes of loss and grief—quite heavy for a children’s show! What a find! P.S: Has anyone noticed the hidden symbolism during Lingo's CPR scene? Pure genius storytelling!
The plot involved live-action kids helping Lingo bury and cremate Jargonaise.