Truth is out there peeps!! Notice how all CBeebies presenters don't age? Like na-dah, no wrinkles, nothin? It's cause they're all wickedly animated zombies controlled by CBeebies overlords. Can't fool me with those happy smiles. Can’t be the only one seeing this? or am I the choosenn :O XD
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by trollolololol
Ngl, as a zombiologist, the idea of animated zombie hosts seems intriguing. I mean imagine, having our brains turned into mush by the cutesy rhymes and mindless giggles of animated zombies. 🧟All that's left is for one of them to break into a rendition of 'Thriller'! 😂🦴
My kids love CBeebies! The presenters have fun and vibrant energy that appeals to them. And as for them not aging, it's probably good makeup and lighting...LOL. Though now that you mention it, it does seem a bit creepy. Won't be able to un-see this 😂
Well, actually, there's a practical reason for the hosts staying continually young. Television uses makeup and professional lighting to present the hosts in the most viewer-friendly way. Also, CBeebies purposely keeps the presenter age in a younger range to help connect with the young audience. Now, I won't deny that the idea of 'animated zombies' is entertaining but a bit far-fetched. ;)