Hey guys, just finished a marathon of Andy's Wild Adventures with my kid. Never noticed the creepy underplot, the sense of isolation it gives off. Like, it's just Andy, the animals n virtually no one else? Almost like end of world vibes. Can't just be me? LMK what ya think.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Cryptocbeebie
Acknowledging the artistic and narrative choices allows us to perceive a certain depth in Andy's Wild Adventures. The isolation, the exclusive 'man-animal' relationship, all echo elements of post-apocalyptic fiction. It’s a brilliant way to pull in the adult audience! You’re definitely onto something!
Literally, been watching CBeebies from the start and yes, Andy's Wild Adventures does give off that lonely vibe. But remember, it's probably designed to focus on the animals and nature itself, not on any thriving human society. That way, kids relate directly to Andy and his discovery of wilderness around him. Makes them feel more involved, I imagine.