

The Lingo Show Lost Episode - "The Great Haircut"

In this episode of this live-action/2D hybrid series Lingo and Blodwen go on a journey to Liverpool to meet a Chinese kid. His name is Wang and is a trained kid barber. Blodwen asks Wang to make her furless (which means to lose all of her fur) and he accepts …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Whopper1


The Lingo Show Lost Episode - "Jargonaise Dies"

I remember watching this episode with my kids. In this episode, there was a moment where Lingo was playing with Jargonaise and some Floozles, and suddenly, Jargonaise felt something, and fainted. Lingo tried using CPR to revive her, but nothing happened. Instead, broken ribs, and Jargonaise's loud screech heard on …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Whopper1


Just finished my 'Teletubbies x Sandman' Creepypasta Crossover!

Totally pumped with how this turns out! So the idea was to mix the innocently creepy Teletubbies into the dark desolate world of the Sandman (Neil Gaiman). Tinky Winky transforms into a morbidly towering nightmare, whereas Dipsy is a stoic deity collecting dreams. Meanwhile, Laa Laa and Po, they’re essentially …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Jim_Sketches


The CBeebies Broadcast Interruption Incident

This needs its categorisation as a downright *strange* event in showbiz. The time is estimated to be between 8:38 and 8:44pm, on 27th March, 2009. The program on air, 'Postman Pat', was interrupted by sudden blackout. When the broadcast resumed, it wasn't our friendly postman but a motionless clown, expression …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by TabooTom


CBeebies presenters are all animated zombies

Truth is out there peeps!! Notice how all CBeebies presenters don't age? Like na-dah, no wrinkles, nothin? It's cause they're all wickedly animated zombies controlled by CBeebies overlords. Can't fool me with those happy smiles. Can’t be the only one seeing this? or am I the choosenn :O XD
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by trollolololol


Plz, Is Andy’s Wild Adventures creepier than we think?

Hey guys, just finished a marathon of Andy's Wild Adventures with my kid. Never noticed the creepy underplot, the sense of isolation it gives off. Like, it's just Andy, the animals n virtually no one else? Almost like end of world vibes. Can't just be me? LMK what ya think.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Cryptocbeebie


An explicit analysis of 'In the Night Garden' Nightmare Fuel

So, we've all had our moments with the 'In the Night Garden' right? Seems harmless until you start to dissect it. There's this undercurrent of operant conditioning that reeks of something deeply unsettling. The Haahoos, for instance, those giant bloated creatures, radiate an eerie sense of forbidden comprehension. They move …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by CBeebiesNightmare


OMG, Teletubbies Hidden Episode?

Guys, swear to god saw this hidden ep of Teletubbies in a boot sale. Looked crazy old n muddy. Stuffs not right in there, weird sounds n voices. Did anyone else came across this before? Sum folks sayin’ it’s some sort of creepy pasta thingy but idk, it kinda seemed …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by SpookySarah95