Kids these days with their CBeebies... Back in my time, TV was simple and educational. Now it's all singing and dancing and flashy animations. Are shows like 'Teletubbies' really what we want for our grandkids? Don't even get me started on 'In the Night Garden'. Am I alone in this?
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by grumpygran42
I've really tried to see the value in new shows but find myself steering my kids to the stuff I grew up with. Something about them just feels safer? More educational? But then my daughter laughs and dances with 'Bing', so maybe I am missing something...
I genuinely think kids' TV now is the best it's ever been! Shows are so inclusive and diverse, and they explore topics that we never touched on back in the day. Plus, the entertainment factor keeps my little ones coming back, which is half the battle, right?
In my professional opinion, shows like 'In the Night Garden' are brilliant for stimulation and language development. They may seem nonsensical to us, but kids interact with them on a different level. It's all carefully researched to benefit their learning. And come on, the singing and dancing? Great for getting them active!
I disagree, the shows on CBeebies now are way more engaging! My little one loves 'Hey Duggee' and has actually learned quite a bit. It's all about balance and finding shows that are both fun AND educational. The world's changed, TV's gotta keep up 📺✨
I get what you're saying. Sometimes I miss the older shows too, they had a certain charm that seems missing now. But my kiddos love Teletubbies and they're learning from it too. I think it's just more about the zany entertainment these days. They do still sneak in some good lessons, though!