It's about a purple bug who teaches you languages and it's outdated. It lasted 2 seasons and 30 episodes. It aired from 2012 to 2013 and never had any reruns.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PAWPatrol
The point of the show was to introduce children to the idea of languages, not to make them fluent. Yes, the show was short-lived and the format may be outdated, but it served its purpose. And anyway, it's kids we're talking about. They need simple, catchy, and entertaining to keep their attention. The charming little bug is perfect for this. Give it some credit there.
Yes! That show drives me nuts. I mean, the idea behind it is kind of cute - a language-teaching insect. But the execution is just lacking. Wish they would update it or revamp it altogether to make it more appealing. And honestly, with the variety of languages around the world, 2 seasons only scratched the surface!
I kinda liked The Lingo Show, to be honest. Sure, it's outdated but the concept was groundbreaking for its time. Teaching languages through cartoons in a fun and interactive way. We need more shows like this instead of the constant animation reboots we're getting these days.