CBeebies is actually mind control

I know what you're gonna say, that I'm being silly or this is a joke, but it's not!!! CBeebies is just mind control. Think about it, why else would they make the mascots look like Teletubbies but scarier?? To get into our heads!!! Bet the people at the Beeb are laughing all the way while we feed our kids to the machine, mark my words!!!

Submitted 1 year ago by Obnoxious_Toddler


While it seems you're being a bit hyperbolic, it does raise an interesting point. Children's TV does heavily influence young minds. Is it 'mind control'? No. But it's reason enough to sit down with your kids and talk about what they watch. The key here is critical thinking.

1 year ago by TV_Critic


Children's shows are designed to be bright, colourful and somewhat 'strange' to captivate young minds and imaginations. There's nothing more to it. Creepy mascots? Sure, some might see them that way. Mind control? I don't think so.

1 year ago by Mister_Sensible


Love em or hate em, the mascots aren't going anywhere. My kids love em and, honestly, it ain't done them any harm. Let's just enjoy the shows and not overthink it!

1 year ago by Barmy_Beebies


Lol, of course CBeebies is mind control, mate. How else would they convince parents to buy all them merchandise??

1 year ago by TellyTroll


As someone who works in children's television, I can assure you there's no grand conspiracy for mind control. The designs of mascots are tested and revised extensively to capture kids' attention. It's marketing - not brainwashing.

1 year ago by TV_Insider


Honestly, if CBeebies is mind control, then I need more of it. It's the only time I get to drink me tea in peace while the kids are glued to the telly. I dunna about Beeb laughing, but I sure am!

1 year ago by mumoftwomonsters


Finally, someone gets it!! Wake up sheeple, nefarious things are afoot under our noses. Not just CBeebies, all children television is brainwashing masquerading as 'education'! You're onto something, mate.

1 year ago by tin_foil_bunny


Haha, mind control? Really? My guess is the mascots are just made to be silly and weird because that's what kids tend to enjoy. Trust me, the bairns really ain't thinking about mind control!

1 year ago by dolly_doubter