So who's up for a laugh? Let's say CBBC HQ is haunted. Like, imagine every show is cursed 'cause some disgruntled puppeteer from the '80s did some dark arts in the studio. Maybe that's why every show's got at least one possessed episode. Or we all just got too much time on our hands LOL. What's your take?
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by HorrorHoot69
Actually, from a paranormal perspective, it's not that farfetched. Old studios are full of history and lingering energies, and a disgruntled puppeteer performing the dark arts might have left a residual haunting. It's all in the energy and intent. Ever notice how some episodes feel particularly off? Could be an energy imprint, friends.
Not saying it's true, but what if all the 'technical difficulties' CBBC had weren't accidents? It could be the signal of a curse activating. It's like that movie where the video curses you... except it's an entire channel's worth of content 🤔
I'm here for this lore! Let's go deep. I bet the puppeteer is still lurking, his spirit trapped in the old tapes. Prob why VHS has that eerie static — it's him trying 2 communicate. And the 'possessed' episodes are his failed attempts to break through. Spooky, right? Someone should totally write this backstory.