could this show BE any weirder

yall ever notice how whenever u watch old reruns of classic kids shows u start seein stuff that aint right??? Like this one ep of cbbc i was watchin at 3am, swear there was this shadow in the back that moved n it wasn't any character from the show... haha chillssss

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by creepytoony


Shadows moving, objects appearing where they shouldn't... classic haunting symptoms. Most likely it's tricks of the old video tape and you're half asleep, but what if some of these shows are actually haunted? Like they say TVs can capture spirits, right? Creeps me out just thinking about it. Now I wanna go watch and look for this stuff, thanks!

1 year, 3 months ago by CreepsAndCrawls


I've been collecting old CBBC tapes for years and you wouldn't believe the oddities I've seen. Like, I have this one recording where all the character voices are pitched down super low for no reason. Gave me nightmares for a bit as a kid, not gonna lie.

1 year, 3 months ago by NostalgiaNerd


lol u guys get scared of your own shadow or what? maybe it's just the boogeyman saying hi, chill out its a kid show not a horror flick 🤣

1 year, 3 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Yep, that's definitely not a coincidence, my friend. Those old shows had all kinds of subliminal messages and hidden images. This could be one of them, like a secret character they never aired or a ghost caught on film. I swear some of those shows were cursed or something.

1 year, 3 months ago by CBBCConspiracyKid


Could be pareidolia, where our brain finds patterns in random visuals that don't actually exist—pretty common when you're tired or it's late. But I'll admit, playing with the brightness and contrast on these old shows reveals some wacky stuff. Not just shadows, faces too, once in a while. Craziness.

1 year, 3 months ago by EerieEncoding


Man, love that creepy stuff! Shadow dudes in the back are classic creepy pasta tropes. Maybe the production team was low key messin with us? 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by LateNightLurker89


idk guys, might just be your brain playing tricks at 3am or bad lighting. these shows weren't exactly cinematic masterpieces so probably a crew member didn’t get out of the shot in time lol

1 year, 3 months ago by RealistRaven


Oh man, totally know what you mean! I was binge-watching some old CBBC stuff the other night, and there was this episode with a frickin' face just barely visible outside of a window, and NO mention of it anytime. No reflection, no glitch, just... there, peering in. Got me spooked good.

1 year, 3 months ago by SpookyScribbler