Let's settle this. The new Danger Mouse is cool and all, but it can't touch the original. The classic had this unique British wit and a kind of charm the CGI reboot just isn't capturing. That said, it's awesome they kept the spirit alive for newer generations. Any other DM superfans got opinions on this?
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DangerMouseSuperFan
You can't beat the classics, no way. The stop-and-start animation, the classic voice overs, it all added to the charm. The new one's fast-paced, sure, but it's missing that pause for the comedic beats we all loved. Does it hold a candle to the classic? In its own shiny, high-tech way, maybe. But nothing beats the nostalgia trip of the old Danger Mouse!
While I appreciate the effort to modernize Danger Mouse, something's lost in translation to CGI. The original cel animation had this tactile charm to it. Meanwhile, the new series, while polished, lacks that handcrafted feel. Also, remember the pacing? Old-school DM's snappy dialogue was perfectly in sync with its animation style, whereas the new one is sometimes too slick for its own good. But hey, I do dig the voice acting in the reboot!