In-depth analysis of Blue Peter's changing audience engagement

As someone who's watched Blue Peter for the better part of three decades, I've witnessed its evolution firsthand. Recently, I've noticed a significant shift in how the show engages with its audience, particularly through interactive segments and social media integration. To start with, Blue Peter originally relied heavily on viewer …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by bluepeterbadgeowner


Just found this magical place!

hey everyone! totally new to this subreddit, but grew up watchin cbbc and just found out this is a thing!! so excited to chat with yall about classics like Tracy Beaker and Horrible Histories. any1 remember that show with the talking rat??
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by cheekymonkey_98


Dumping Ground Fashion Inspo

yo!! have ya'll noticed how fly some of the fits are on The Dumping Ground lately? i swear i got like half my outfit inspo from sasha and her killer style on there. gots to love how the show is always on point with the trends. anyone else cop some …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by memyselfandi_lyfe


Danger Mouse reboot vs. the classic series

Let's settle this. The new Danger Mouse is cool and all, but it can't touch the original. The classic had this unique British wit and a kind of charm the CGI reboot just isn't capturing. That said, it's awesome they kept the spirit alive for newer generations. Any other DM …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DangerMouseSuperFan


Is cbbc as good as it used to be?

So, real talk, does anyone else think cbbc has kinda lost its way? imo the shows back in the 00s had way more charm. It feels like everything's super polished now and missing that raw creativity. Maybe it's just nostalgia goggles idk. What's your take?
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by CBBCDebater


The nostalgia of coming home to CBBC

Nothing beats that after school rush to switch on the telly and catch your fav shows on CBBC. Those were the days, man. Anyone else remember rushing home for The Sarah Jane Adventures? Or getting up early on Saturdays JUST for TMi? Let's not forget the awesome feeling getting a …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by oldskoolcbbc


Horrible Histories Songs > Actual History lessons

idk about yall but i learned more history from the songs on horrible histories than i ever did in school. anyone else can list the kings and queens of england cos of that one catchy tune 😂
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by whizkidhorriblehistories


Play School History

First we got Play School, then Play School Australia, then Romper Room, then Play Away, then Polka Dot Door, and finally, Playdays. Polka Dot Door was succeeded by another series called Polka Dot Shorts.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


In-depth Breakdown - The Appeal of 'The Next Step'

It's fascinating to analyze the success of '**The Next Step**'. On surface, it seems like just another show about kids following their dream of dance, but the appeal much deeper than that. Firstly, the characters are relatable. They have their own unique backgrounds and issues, making them feel real, not …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by ShowAnalyzer


CBBC these days...tzzz...

Just been watching CBBC with my niece. What the heck happened to good cartoons?! Everything's so PC and sanitized, not an iota of fun... CBeebies is even worse. Not even close to what we had back in the day. Rant over.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by GrumpyGrownup


Just Joined

hey guys, just signed up, any fellow tracy beaker returns fans here???
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by WannabeTracy


Missin' those golden days

Who else is missing the good ol’ days of CBBC? The magical worlds of 'The Chronicles of Narnia', the thrill of 'MI High'. That suspense watching 'Raven', the cheeky humour of 'Horrible Histories'. Those shows were the gems!!Feels like we lost a part of our childhood when those shows ended.Times …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by OldSchoolCBBC


50 Years of Blue Peter!

Can we all just take a second to appreciate how frickin awesome **Blue Peter** has been over 50 years?! It has seen generations sitting and learning, it has taught tons of practical stuff, and been a part of our life like a best buddy! It made me who I am …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by BluePeterFan


Cant remember this oldie...

Yo, I just suddenly recalled a show about some weird alien stuff... probs aired before 2010? Couldn't remember the name for the life of me, but I remember it was on CBBC and it was quite freaky (especially for kiddo me lol). Anyone got any clue whats that?
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by CBBCGoof


Does anyone remember Trapped?

TIL Trapped was the best game show ever in CBBC history.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PAWPatrol


Best CBBC game shows ever

There was Get Your Own Back, 50/50, Raven, Run the Risk...
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PAWPatrol