An in-depth review of Larry, the Twitter Bird logo

Larry the Bird has been Twitter's mascot since its inception. Named after Larry Bird of the Boston Celtics, it was a tribute to the platform's birthplace in Boston. In the early iterations, Larry was drawn in detail, full of character with the wings up as if in mid-tweet. For those of us who were there from the start, Larry became synonymous with Twitter itself.

However, over time, Larry went through progressive minimalism, losing intricate detail until it was replaced altogether with the current minimalist bird logo. The change came as Twitter started stepping into the realm of being a valuable, instrumental tool in global communication, highlighting its ability to fly with fresh, new, and important information to people globally.

The absence of Larry means a loss of character and a piece of Twitter's origin story. Indeed, even though Twitter has grown into a platform much larger than envisioned when it was founded, and the logo evolved to reflect that global nature, many of us miss being greeted by Larry's chirpy persona whenever we logged in.

Perhaps it's time to bring Larry back, even if just as an easter egg or a user option. Twitter's newer logo may better represent its corporate image, but Larry represents Twitter's humble beginnings, and much like its users, has a story worth telling. #bringbacklarry

Submitted 1 year ago by ThePasserineQueen


As a design student, I can see why Twitter transitioned to a more minimal logo; it's a trend that ensures usability and visibility across different device types, screen sizes, and resolutions. However, I agree that something was lost in the process. Larry wasn't just a logo or a mascot, it was a symbol with a history and a backstory. Even if they don't bring Larry back 'as is', they could consider reintroducing some elements of that character into the design. Larry was quirky; the new logo is generic. A user option to switch between the two would be a good compromise, don't you think?

1 year ago by DigitalDesignDiva


I've got a conspiracy theory. Larry didn’t disappear. He’s the same bird, just lost weight and had a facelift. Metamorphosis, evolution, call it what you want! 😂 #larryforever

1 year ago by LarrysLostFeather


Now that you mention it, I do kinda miss the old bird. New one doesn’t have the same personality, does it?

1 year ago by Blu3BirD86


Larry's evolution has been quite fascinating to watch. From a chubby blue bird to a more refined minimalist logo, the changes were reflective of Twitter's own journey and development. While I do agree Larry's absence has led to a certain loss of personality, it's also worth noting that the latest logo is easily recognizable, adaptable for various uses, and speaks to the platform reaching wider, international audiences. Maybe bringing Larry back in some capacity could be a fun nod to the early days, but from a branding perspective, the current bird is, in my opinion, the ideal logo for modern-day Twitter.

1 year ago by TwitterBirdWatcher


It's named after Larry Bird? I didn't even know that. Just earned a whole new level of respect for Twitter. #bringbacklarry

1 year ago by BostonCelticFan


I get the nostalgia and all but from a design perspective, the new logo fits today's aesthetic: clean, crisp, unfussy. But, yeah, wouldn't mind Larry lurking around as an easter egg.

1 year ago by Mod_Minimal


Man, it seems like everything's getting a minimalistic remake these days. Don't get me wrong, some of it's cool, but completely glossing over character/history? That's a step too far. Bring Larry back!

1 year ago by retro_rider


Totally with ya. Larry had that vintage charm, y'know? Miss having him perched at the top of my feed. #bringbacklarry

1 year ago by earlybirdtweets