Bird bring-backers, hear me out. Let's do more. Why not bring back all the old school logos? Old Instagram logo anyone? Old Snapchat? Let's bring 'em ALL BACK!! #bringbackall
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Birdwatcher98
Absolutely a 100% yes from me! There was something uniquely appealing about the old-school logos, they carried a personality that resonated with the users. The old Instagram logo, for instance, had a nostalgic touch. Let's bring back the memories! #bringbackall
Interesting proposition. Though nostalgia is an effective marketing tool, one has to consider the reasons for the logos' initial change. Logos often evolve to match the brand's direction, target audience or simply to keep up with design trends. However, celebrating logo history could be a fun event with temporary reverts or 'throwback' versions!
Well, from a design perspective, it makes sense why many of these companies changed their logos over time. Most of them opted for simple, minimalistic designs that are instantly recognizable and easy to replicate across different mediums. But I get where you're coming from - those vintage logos had an authenticity and character that's kind of missing these days. Maybe they could revive the old logos for special occasions.