Dunno 'bout you folks, but I miss the old bird, man. Where's Larry at? Felt more real, y'know? New logo? Too corporate. Nuff said. #OGtwitterbird #BringbackLarry
Larry the Bird has been Twitter's mascot since its inception. Named after Larry Bird of the Boston Celtics, it was a tribute to the platform's birthplace in Boston. In the early iterations, Larry was drawn in detail, full of character with the wings up as if in mid-tweet. For those …
While many lament the absence of the original Twitter bird - lovingly named Larry - there's just as strong an argument to be made about the communications value held in the current logo. When Twitter was launched, the abstract bird captured users' imagination. With its light blue color against a …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by
Bird bring-backers, hear me out. Let's do more. Why not bring back all the old school logos? Old Instagram logo anyone? Old Snapchat? Let's bring 'em ALL BACK!! #bringbackall
Went to Twitter to find Larry, Twitter's mascot. Couldn't find him. Where's he gone off to? Bring back Larry, seriously. #bringbacktwitterbird