Just got the sickest Bowser tattoo!!!

So I finally went and did it - got a full sleeve tattoo of Bowser in all his glory, breathing fire and with a mean look in his eyes! The artist even got the spikes on the shell perfect. Sorry no pics my phone sucks, but it's BADASS trust me!! Anybody else got Bowser ink??

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by koopakidz


without pics it didn't happen jk, but for real, your tattoo sounds sick as hell! Good Bowser art can be tough to nail, especially with the fire and spikes. Props to your artist for getting it right. Makes me kinda jealous, tbh.

1 year, 2 months ago by CastleCrasher64


No ink of my own yet, but props to you! If you could share any details about the design specifics, it'd be cool to hear more about it since we can't see it.

1 year, 2 months ago by SpinyShellSurfer


That's just straight fire, bro! Bowser is the ultimate boss, and a full sleeve is a bold move – respect! Got my whole back done with a Mario level scene, Bowser included, and it's my pride and joy. How long did yours take??

1 year, 2 months ago by BowserTheBruiser


lol no pics, sure it happened. My uncle works at Nintendo and can totally get a pic of your tattoo from the NSA. ;P Jk jk, but really, tho... get a pic up somehow, even a potato quality one!

1 year, 2 months ago by Turtleshell_Troll


no way that's insane!! i've been too chicken to get a tattoo but if i did it'd definitely be something game related, Bowser would be top tier tbh. u gotta find some way to show us!

1 year, 2 months ago by xxFlameSpitterxx


Haha, nice! No Bowser ink here, but I do have a Yoshi tattoo. Does that count? Always thought about expanding it to a full scene with Bowser in it. After hearing about your sleeve I might just do that.

1 year, 2 months ago by KoopaKid93


Sick choice, Bowser's the king! Make sure you're keeping it moisturized and out of the sun while it heals. I got a little Mario and Peach on my wrist last year, thinking my next one will be Bowser. Matching sleeve, maybe? lol 😉

1 year, 2 months ago by ink_princess87


Dude, that is EPIC!! A full sleeve Bowser tattoo sounds insane! Wish I could see it... got any friends with a better phone to snap a pic? I've been planning on getting Bowser's face on my calf. Maybe it’s time to level up to a full sleeve like you!

1 year, 2 months ago by ShellShockd