Are Ken's clothes like... boring to anyone else?

Just started collecting and dressing my Ken dolls, but feelin kinda underwhelmed with the fashion choices here. Barbie's got all these amazing outfits, and then there's Ken... in another t-shirt and jeans. 💤 Do you guys customize or just deal with the blandness?

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by KenDoll2023


Ken's not that bad, guys! You just gotta know how to put the look together. Sure, he's no Barbie, but that understated look can be chic too. Work with layers, and don't be afraid to accessorize. And look out for the special editions—they tend to have snazzier outfits.

1 year, 2 months ago by KenHasStyle2


I've been collecting for decades, and I’ve seen it all. The 'Mod Era' had the best Ken clothes—colorful, wild patterns. Today's threads are SO vanilla. Come on Mattel, give us some of that '60s flair back!

1 year, 2 months ago by KenCollector84


Customizing can cost $$$. What I do is head to the dollar store, grab some kids' socks (yep! SOCKS!) and turn 'em into sweaters, hoodies, etc. It's cheap and kinda fun when you get the hang of it. Just cut and no-sew mostly.

1 year, 2 months ago by BudgetBarbieBoy


OMG, it's like Ken is stuck in a fashion time loop!!! 😖😤 Every time I see a new Ken release, I'm hoping for at least a funky hat or something. WHY is it so hard to get him out of basics?!!!

1 year, 2 months ago by DollDramaQueen


I hear ya, but tbh, doesn't bother me much 🤷‍♂️. Ken's always been more laid back in style, kinda like how some guys are IRL, ya know? I just mix it up with different tees and jeans, maybe throw in a cool jacket.

1 year, 2 months ago by TeeNJeansPlz


Yes, Ken's fashions can be a bit on the drab side, but there are some gems if you look back through the years. Vintage Ken had some sharply dressed moments. Ebay can be your friend for finding those classic looks. And sometimes, mixing and matching different sets can yield surprisingly stylish results!

1 year, 2 months ago by KenKouture


ikr, Ken's closet needs a major overhaul. It's all polos and chinos. 🙄 I usually hit up Etsy for some unique pieces. Some sellers there really know how to dress a Ken doll!

1 year, 2 months ago by BarbieGlitzNGlam


Totally get what you mean! Ken's official wardrobe isn't thrilling. 😅 I started learning to sew just so I could make him cooler stuff. There are some fab patterns online if you're up for a little DIY! It's a gamechanger, trust me.

1 year, 2 months ago by FashForwardKen