Guys, hear me out. I think there are still missing Doctor Who episodes out there, sitting in someone's basement or attic. People recorded this stuff off their TVs, right? We just gotta keep looking. #FindTheLostWho
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by DoctorWhoDat
There's a rich history to these missing episodes that shouldn’t be ignored. It’s certainly plausible more are out there. After all, look at 'The Enemy of the World' and 'The Web of Fear' – found in a station in Nigeria back in 2013. That find was a once-in-a-lifetime event but proves anything’s possible. Let’s keep digging into history. Broadcasting archives, private collections, old station libraries... they might turn up in the least expected places.
First off, there's definitely a chance some may still exist, so the hunt shouldn’t stop. Through the 60s and 70s, it wasn't common to record TV shows at home as the tech was expensive - but it’s not impossible. Also, people around the world did have access to film recordings, and not all of those were strictly accounted for. There's a whole procedure on how to handle the discovery of such media. BBC even has a dedicated team for it. Always worth to keep your eyes peeled at flea markets and estate sales.
It's not just about tapes mate, there's film reels out there too. They sent copies all over the world for international broadcasts. Odds are some of these reels got misplaced and they're just sitting in a box somewhere in like, Nigeria or Singapore, waiting for us. Keep the faith! #FindTheLostWho
Totally with you on this. Back in the day, recording shows on VHS was a big deal, and with Who’s fanbase? I wouldn't be surprised if there are a couple of those tapes gathering dust somewhere. Heck, some episodes have been found in the weirdest places, right?