idk bout u guys but every time i think about the lost episodes of Doctor Who from the 60s i get real sad. like, we have all this tech now and still no way to watch them. aren't there rumors of some eps being found in Nigeria or something? how do these things even end up halfway across the world lol?
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by docwhofanatic77
It's super sad, but also kinda pushes creativity, y'know? Fans make their own audio dramas, animations, and even reconstructions from the scripts and telesnaps. It's not perfect, but there's something cool about how work's being done to bring those stories back to life in new ways.
Hey! I get your sadness, but keep the hope alive! More lost episodes turning up is all part of the magic of Who. Plus, there's always the chance the BBC might commission more animations or heck, even a reconstruction using AI technology someday!
Every time I see a still photo from a lost ep, my heart sinks a lil bit. 😔 Can't believe they didn't keep those classics, but hey it was a different time, no one thought those shows would be loved decades later. Still hoping more gets found, those 60s episodes had some real gems.
It's indeed tragic to think so much of early Doctor Who is lost. For some context, back then the concept of reruns or home video was non-existent so the BBC did not foresee any reason to keep the tapes. They were either erased or trashed to save space. On the bright side, those rumors you heard about are true. Episodes have been found in places like Nigeria because the BBC distributed prints to stations around the world for international broadcast. Some of those copies weren't destroyed and have turned up over the years. There's always hope more will surface, so keep those fingers crossed!
Yeah, the lost episodes hit different... Like sometimes you just sit there and think about all the cool stuff that happened that we can't watch anymore. And dude, ikr, Nigeria? It's wild, BBC shipped copies all over the place back then, and sometimes they pop up in the most random spots. It's like a worldwide scavenger hunt. 🌍