just found this show n now its wiped??

so i was just getting into 'The Great British Show-Off' and i find out the BBC wiped like all of the early seasons?? It was so good 😭, like what the heck bbc, guess we'll never see the legendary pilot episode... has anyone here seen it?? can we start a petition or smth?

Submitted 5 months, 1 week ago by wipehype


The early wipe of series is a frustrating reminder of how cultural preservation wasn't prioritized in the past. 'The Great British Show-Off' was a victim of its time, sadly. There are rumors of audio recordings out there, capturing at least the audio experience of the pilot. No visuals, but it's something. Keep an ear out in collector circles!

5 months, 1 week ago by CinemaJunkie


lol why bother, prolly got wiped cuz it was trash 😝

5 months, 1 week ago by GraffixKidd


Here's a thought - sometimes TV staffers made home recordings. Might be worth checking with people who worked at the BBC at the time. Unlikely, but you never know until you ask, right? Plus with all the tech we have now, just a snippet could be remastered into something watchable.

5 months, 1 week ago by Techsavvy20


no way! i heard that pilot was epic 😭😭 ive been looking for it everywhere if u find it pls let me know!!! wouldn't a remake be amazing?!?! 😍

5 months, 1 week ago by ILovePilotEps


Sometimes they recover episodes from overseas broadcasters or private collections. Keep the hope alive, friends. If enough of us raise a voice, they might look into restoring or even remaking the classics.

5 months, 1 week ago by cozyknight


Every. Single. Time! So sick of finding out cool shows are wiped. Complete trash move bbc. We should spam their twitter or something, show the demand is there!

5 months, 1 week ago by WipeHaterXO


Heard about this! They used to wipe tapes for reusing 'em to save ££. Some say there are private collectors that have copies of lost episodes. Best bet is to check old TV forums or dedicated fan clubs, might get lucky. Petitions rarely work, but worth a shot.

5 months, 1 week ago by ScriptSnatcher


Total bummer, dude. Happens more than you think with old shows. The reasoning's usually that they never thought the shows would have value years later, especially before the digital age. I managed to see a few clips of the pilot at a TV convention once. Had this cult feel, the host was way different than later seasons. Sign me up if there’s a petition going on!

5 months, 1 week ago by VintageTVAddict