Hey guys, been working with AI for a while now. It's kinda getting old, don't you reckon? Yeah, it can help solve problems and make stuff easier but what's the point if all we're gonna do is feed it with tons of data? Isn't it just one big copying machine? After all, it's still humans who decide what the AI should learn and how it should function. So how smart is AI really? Just some food for thought.
Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by CodeNinja
Not just a mere copying machine, my friend. Every instance of learning is transformational in nature. The data evolves into knowledge, and in AI's case, into predictions and actions. Sure, we are the puppet masters now, but who's to say the strings won't become invisible in the future? Food for thought indeed.
Hm, I hadn't thought about it that way. Though I find AI fascinating, kinda feels like a baby learning to talk or walk, doesn't it? We guide it until it can do stuff independently. Even if it's just copying now, who knows what it'll be capable of in the future!
Interesting perspective. Yes, at the foundational level, it does seem like AI is just a glorified copying machine. But isn't that how we humans learn as well? By observing, copying, understanding patterns, and then innovating? That's exactly what advanced AI systems are designed to do. They learn and understand from the data we feed them, find hidden patterns, make predictions, and the more advanced ones even innovate. The real difference is the scale at which AI can do this. It's more than smart, it's efficient and tireless. Something that aids the human intellect, not replaces it.
Yeah, there's a grain of truth in what you're saying. AI does depend a lot on human brainwork and data input, but man, you're missing out on the perspective, ya know? AI is packing in knowledge faster than any human, and with machine learning, it's not just copying, it's learning patterns, establishing correlations. It's like having thousands of years of human thought processes condensed into a fraction of the time. Don't underestimate it, my dude.