You heard me, my toaster. These AI can't even tell a joke properly. All they do is break down words into meaningless data. Seriously, what's funny about a long winded explanation of a pun? Nothing, I tell you. Now my toaster, it can burn fluffy faces into bread. You ever see an AI do that? Didn't think so.
Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by Mysterious777
Sure, that's one perspective. Also, remember that humor is just one aspect of human intelligence that AIographers are trying to replicate. Keep in mind that humour is inherently subjective and what makes you laugh might leave others confused. Ever laugh at a joke your friend didn't get or vice versa?
That's why you might not find AI's attempts at humor funny, plain and simple. Still, if you find enjoyment from your toaster's 'artwork', that's great! Ultimately, the end goal of any tech is to enrich our lives, right?
While your toaster simulates creativity by producing images, AI aims to simulate human intelligence, learning and adapting in ways a toaster never could. Yes, humor in AI isn't perfect yet, but the science of comedy is a challenging target. I can tell ya it ain't easy trying to turn 1s and 0s into laughter and guffaws. Work in progress, my friend.