Hey guys, been working with AI for a while now. It's kinda getting old, don't you reckon? Yeah, it can help solve problems and make stuff easier but what's the point if all we're gonna do is feed it with tons of data? Isn't it just one big copying machine? …
Ever been stuck on a complex problem and just wished you had an AI to compute the solution for you? Well, guess what? With the state-of-art AI learning techniques, you can now solve complex problems most effectively. Reinforcement learning is Marvel's infinity stone here, most notably used in AlphaGo which …
Holla amigos! I'm new to this space and just can't figure out how AI works. I mean it's a machine, right? How can it understand what I'm saying or do things which only humans used to be capable of? Any light you guys can shed on this topic would be …
You heard me, my toaster. These AI can't even tell a joke properly. All they do is break down words into meaningless data. Seriously, what's funny about a long winded explanation of a pun? Nothing, I tell you. Now my toaster, it can burn fluffy faces into bread. You ever …
Okay, so you want to know the nitty-gritty behind how AI learns? Let's jump straight in! AI learning primarily happens through a process known as 'machine learning'. This is all about algorithms - yep, those pesky little rules that guide how an AI behaves and makes decisions. The primary types …
NeoChat is a versatile platform that allows developers to create and deploy games with ease. In this research, we will delve into the process of implementing a game in NeoChat, from the initial setup to the final deployment. We will also explore the challenges that may arise during this process …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by