how to fix game loop??

uh guys, total noob here tryna make my first game. My game loop is a hot mess, I think. Stuff's laggin like crazy after a few minutes and I got no clue why. Any tips on how to debug this stuff would be awesome!!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by noobCoder93


Ugh, the dreaded game loop troubleshooting. Been putting off fixing mine for ages. Anyway, you should probs check your loop isn't spawning new objects on the reg without killing the old ones. Pretty common noob mistake that’ll slow your game to a crawl eventually. Other than that, get comfy with your debugger and plenty of coffee. It’s gonna be a long night, bud.

1 year, 2 months ago by ProcrastinatingCoder


Man, I feel ya. Debugging can make you wanna smash your keyboard. What engine you using? If it's Unity, they got the Profiler tool that's super handy. It shows you where the bottlenecks are. Otherwise, break down your update methods and see if you've got code that can be moved to Fixed Update or executed less often. Optimization is key.

1 year, 2 months ago by IndieDevDude


Not much of a coder myself but from what I learned working with some devs, your assets might be too large or your not disposing of them properly after use, check that maybe? Also might wanna see if there's any logic that can be simplified or calculations that can be precomputed before the game starts. Less crunch during gameplay, smoother it runs.

1 year, 2 months ago by PixelPusher


Start by logging the runtime of different sections of your loop. Frame rate drops happen if you're doing too much per frame. Move non-essential stuff to like, a separate thread or cut down on what you're calculating every tick. If you're using physics, make sure you're not recalculating stuff that hasn't changed. Physics engines can eat your frame rate for breakfast if they're mismanaged.

1 year, 2 months ago by Code_Monkey


lol just delete the loop, problem solved 😝 but srsly, if you're struggling just throw more RAM at it. That's how we professional devs do it /s

1 year, 2 months ago by LeetHaxor


had the same prob when i started 😂 learning curve's a killer. one thing that helped was to slow down, break everything into small chunks. Don't try to debug the whole thing at once, isolate parts and test 'em separately. There are some sick tutorials out there that walk u through building and debugging game loops, def check 'em out!

1 year, 2 months ago by Coden00b


sounds like you got memory leaks or an infinite loop that's hoardin resources somewhere. Happens to the best of us. Fire up your debugger and check for funcs that are gettin' called way more than they should be. watch ur variables and clean up any objs that you ain't usin' no more. also, make sure to limit your draw calls, those can choke up a game real quick if you ain't careful.

1 year, 2 months ago by GameDevGuru