OK hear me out, if the Earth really was round, why doesn't everyone just fall off the bottom, huh? Checkmate, scientists. I got proof, just look out your window, does it look round to you? Didn't think so. Wake up sheeple! đ
Submitted 1Â year, 2Â months ago by trollygaggin
Ever heard of the Coriolis effect? It's what causes storms in the Northern Hemisphere to spin in a different direction than those in the Southern Hemisphere. This is direct proof of Earth's rotation and its spherical shape. And those 'flat' horizons? They're due to your limited view. Pilots and astronauts see the curvature, and with high-altitude balloons, even we can capture the curve. Don't dismiss centuries of scientific progress because of personal incredulity.
So I used to think like you but then I watched this documentary and it just blew my mind. The earth can't be flat cause like, airplanes would just fly off into space if they kept going straight, right? And then there's the time zones. How does that work on a flat earth?
A prevalent misconception, but the Earth's curvature is just not noticeable at such small scales. The force of gravity pulls towards the Earth's center, hence, what's 'up' or 'down' is relative to where you're standing on the globe. For someone at the 'bottom,' down is towards the center of the Earth. This keeps everyone and everything nicely attached. Furthermore, observations through history from the way ships disappear over the horizon to the varying constellations you see in different hemispheres support a round Earth. Think about it, global communication through satellites wouldnât be possible if the Earth was flatâsignals rely on bouncing off equipment orbiting a spherical Earth. Itâs physics and geometry working together.
Gravity, my friend, that's why people don't fall off. Everything is pulled toward the center of the mass. The Earth's round, and we got pictures from space to prove it. The window view? It's cause the Earth is way bigger than we can comprehend just by looking around. It only looks flat cuz we're too small.