Peeps, ever wanted to understand genetics without hitting up a whole textbook? Here's the sketch. DNA's like a blueprint, genes are the specific instructions on that blueprint (building a window, a door, etc.), and chromosomes are like the rolled-up scrolls of blueprints. All of this spells out how you end up with blue eyes or why you hate cilantro. And yeah, we're kind of at the mercy of this genetic lottery, but CRISPR tech is changing that game, letting us edit genes. Ethical quandaries abound, though, so don't sleep on those. The future is wild, dudes.
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by BasicBiologyBro
Your reductionism is... quaint. However, if anyone truly wants to understand the elegant complexity of genetics, they need more than a 'crash course'. Start with Mendelian inheritance and work your way up. And for those keen on CRISPR, I suggest reading up on the Nobel Prize-winning research behind it before dabbling in 'gene editing'.
Great summation for the layman! As someone who's in the genetics field, it's refreshing to see more peeps getting to grips with the basics. Quick note: genes can interact in complex ways—not always a one gene, one outcome situation. And gotta say, CRISPR's potential is vast, but it's not as simple as snip-snip and boom, no more genetic diseases. There's regulation, off-target effects, and yeah, ethics. Stay curious!