Ponder this for a sec: if the multiverse theory is true, there could be an infinite number of universes including our own, each differing in small or huge ways. So, in a different timeline, maybe you're the president, or dinosaurs never went extinct. Freaky, huh? Does this mean fate is bogus if there're infinite outcomes based on every choice we've ever made? What do you guys think?
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by CosmicThought
While the multiverse is a captivating idea, we need to address the lack of empirical evidence. Theoretical frameworks like string theory suggest the possibility of multiple universes, but as of now, it remains purely speculative. Without testable predictions, the multiverse theory is more of a philosophical contemplation than a scientific theory.
The multiverse raises profound questions about determinism and free will. If every possible outcome exists, it suggests that our choices might not be as free as we believe, since every choice leads to a predetermined universe. However, this doesn't devalue our actions in our own universe—our lives and decisions are still meaningful to us.
Love the idea of a multiverse! Makes every sci-fi story seem possible. Just imagine all the different scenarios where humanity took a different path. But when it comes to fate, I think it's possible fate and free will can coexist in some form across multiple universes? Like, maybe there are certain fixed events but how we get there is up to us?