Reality is a term we use daily without giving it much thought; we use it to differentiate what's in our heads from what's outside. But what if reality is more of a consensus than an objective truth? Hear me out, because think about how often our own emotions color our perception of so-called 'reality.' If two people experience the same event but perceive it differently, whose reality is 'real'?
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DeepThinker2000
We're all living in our own projection of reality molded by experiences, biases, and beliefs. It's a blend of what's out there and what's in our mind. Like, possible for two realities to coexist. But the moment we agree on something, doesn't it become real in a way? That's the power of collective belief - it shapes inventions, cultures, even history.
Interesting point. There's a whole field of study on this in philosophy called phenomenology; it explores how we experience things and form a sense of reality. Even in science, data is interpreted through a human lens. While we have methods to minimize bias, it's kinda arrogant to assume we have a perfect grasp of objective reality. Still, for practical purposes, we need some shared foundation, or society wouldn't function.
What if reality is a simulation though? Like, everything we agree on is just code some advanced civilization programmed. Our disagreements on perception might just be glitches or parameters set to give us the illusion of individuality. Trippy to think about, eh?
Reality is definitely subjective to an extent. Our brains interpret the same stimuli in individual ways, creating personal realities. It's all about perception, right? But, there's still a shared 'external' reality we agree exists, like gravity keeps us grounded no matter how we perceive it. The twist is, we experience this objective reality through subjective lenses.