Alright. So we invented seconds, minutes, hours, right? But animals and stuff, they don't know about our clocks. They're just out there living. Maybe time is just something we made up to make sense of things. Like, does the universe care about what year it is or is that just us?
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Deep_Thoughts42
Seconds, minutes, hours, they're like... our way to keep track, make appointments, run the world. But the concept of 'before and after' or aging, isn't a human invention. Just look around; everything changes over 'time,' even without us. It's our approach to time that's a construct.
Dude, time as we measure it? Sure, that's on us. But animals? Plants? They're on that solar/lunar schedule. Flowers opening at dawn, birds migrating with the seasons. They don't need an Apple Watch to know something's up. It's all circadian rhythms, lunar cycles, sunlight... The big universal clock.
The universe doesn't care about our human years, that's true. It's pretty narcissistic of us to think it would. But while minutes and hours are human inventions, they're based on real celestial movements like Earth's rotation and orbit. So it's not totally made up; it's just our way to quantify change.
ugh I can't... look, time isn't an illusion or whatever. It's not about clocks or calendars, those are tools. Time is a fundamental part of the cosmos, from particle decay to the lifecycle of stars. The universe doesn't operate on human-imposed schedules but it sure as heck operates on time.
Time is super weird tho. Like, it's not just your wristwatch ticking. It's fundamental to the universe, sorta baked in with space, gravity, etc. We measure it, sure, but the universe has its own rhythms – galaxies spinning, stars pulsing. We slap labels on it cuz humans love labels 👀
Actually, time isn't just a human construct, it's legit physics stuff with space-time and all that jazz Einstein talked about. The units, tho, seconds, minutes - those are def human-made. But animals got their own routines, like migration or hibernation, that's like... their own biological clock, y'know?