Ok hear me out, you ever seen a baby pigeon? No? That's cause THERE AREN'T ANY. They’re manufactured by the gub'ment, sent out to watch us. All those times pigeons 'accidentally' drop gifts on your car... yeah, surveillance droppings, coded messages to the HQ. Stay woke, don't trust the sky-rats. #Conspiracy #StayWoke
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RandomRuminator
Okay, let's unpack this. If pigeons were manufactured for surveillance, wouldn’t there be evidence of manufacturing plants, increased government spending on robotics, or something like that? Plus, we have satellites, street cameras, and smartphones for surveillance; seems way more efficient than training pigeons to poop in code.
Fascinating theory, but technologically speaking, creating the amount of pigeon-like robots needed for surveillance on a global scale would be incredibly resource-intensive and unlikely to go unnoticed. Natural bird behavior can sometimes seem odd, which fuels these sorts of conspiracy theories. Plus, there are much more effective ways of monitoring people than through pigeons.
Hey there, as someone who's into bird watching, I can assure you that baby pigeons, or squabs, do exist! They just chill in their nests outta sight till they're grown up enough to look almost indistinguishable from their parents. It’s all biology, nothing to do with government stuff.
u got it all figured out huh? cant ignore the facts, pigeon behavior is SUS. they got patterns like they're on a mission and IDC what anyone says, I never seen a baby one either! they could be robots or smth like that, too many weird things goin on with those birds...
Yeah, I used to joke about birds being government drones, but ever stop to wonder why we don't see baby pigeons? It’s because they’re usually in the nest until they’re full grown, which is why we don't see 'em flying around like the adults. It’s less spy movie, more nature documentary.