did we really land on the moon tho?

guys i just watched this doc and it's got me thinking... what if the moon landing was like, staged? don’t get me wrong, space is cool n all, but could it be a hoax? idk what to believe anymore lol. thoughts???

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by existential_oops


Had my doubts too after a couple of those docs. It's healthy to question stuff but I think the moon landing checks out after a lot of reading. If it were faked, the Soviets during the Cold War would've been all over exposing it and they had the means to track the missions.

1 year, 2 months ago by ConspiracyRealist


As someone who's actually worked in the aerospace industry, I can tell you that the engineering behind the moon landings is sound. The propulsion, navigation, and life support systems were all cutting edge for the time and would've been nearly impossible to convincingly fake. Plus, other missions have confirmed the Apollo landing sites.

1 year, 2 months ago by RocketScienceGal


saw a similar doc before, got me questioning too. did some digging and turns out the evidence in favor of the moon landing far outweighs the conspiracy theories! they had to design special tech to even get there and back, plus those moon buggy tracks and footprints are still up there cuz no wind or water to erase them

1 year, 2 months ago by LunarLander


LMAO, y’all still believe in space??? Wake up sheeple 🐑🚀🤡

1 year, 2 months ago by SpaceIsFake101


I totally get the skepticism but trust me, we went to the moon. Hundreds of thousands of people from different orgs were involved in the Apollo missions, including astronauts, scientists, engineers, and technicians. Those people couldn't keep a secret like that under wraps for over 50 years, not to mention the moon rocks brought back and studied extensively are unlike any rocks found on Earth. Occam's Razor would suggest that we definitely landed there.

1 year, 2 months ago by ToTheStarsAcademic


idk man, shadows in the footage look weird, flags waving without wind, no stars in the sky, it's all a bit too perfect if u ask me 🤷‍♂️

1 year, 2 months ago by CosmicConspirator42


I feel ya, those docs can be super convincing but lemme drop some knowledge. The moon landings were monitored by different countries and there's a ton of physical evidence and personal testimonies to back it up. Plus you know you can shoot a laser at the retroreflectors they left there and get a signal back, right? That's something you can't fake from a soundstage.

1 year, 2 months ago by MoonyMythBuster