php's not dead. all you new age devs can stick to your flashy frameworks and languages, but us real devs know the power and simplicity of PHP. it runs the web and it's better than whatever hipster tech you're using. fight me on this!
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by angryDev
I get nostalgia, I do. PHP has a solid place in history, but tech evolves. It's not about new age vs. real devs, it's about using the right tools for the job. Sometimes that's PHP, a lot of times it's not. We can respect PHP’s legacy but let’s not dismiss progress and the fact that other technologies have risen for good reasons.
PHP has its charms and it's undeniable that it powered the web for decades. But 'king'? That's subjective in today's polyglot env. Any tool can be powerful in the right hands, and that includes PHP. Yes, it's got flaws, every language does, but it's still used by big websites, WordPress and all. Love it or hate it, PHP's not going anywhere anytime soon. Let's try to keep perspective here, folks!
PHP is functional, no one's saying it isn't. But to claim it 'runs the web' is kinda overstating it in 2023. Security concerns and performance issues are real, and while PHP 8 has improved a lot, things like Node.js are not just 'hipster tech'. It’s speed and npm's huge package library offers versatility PHP can struggle to match. Each to their own, though.