idk if it's just me, but sometimes in the middle of like ordinary stuff, I get this random wave of emptiness? It's like everything just stops mattering for a hot sec. It's wild cause one minute I'm doing dishes and next I'm questioning existence. what's up with that right?
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by dailyExistential
Ever tried mindfulness meditation? That emptiness could be a sign you're meant to explore the deeper aspects of life. Instead of running from it, sit with that feeling. Observe it without judgement and watch it pass. It's all impermanent anyway, so maybe what's upsetting is actually a doorway to enlightenment.
That's a universal feeling described by the French term 'l'ennui', a profound existential boredom. Psychologists say it's a mismatch between our need for stimulation and the task at hand. It can be a call to action, pushing you towards self-reflection and maybe even change. The key might be to find passion and purpose, things that could fend off the Void's approach.
I've felt that way but I try to fill the 'Void' with positive vibes. You washing dishes means you had food to eat and that's something to be thankful for! 🌈 Maybe next time that empty wave hits, throw on some killer tunes or an audiobook and turn it into a moment of learning or jamming out!
Oh man, I totally get you. It's like one second I'm microwaving ramen and the next I'm trapped in a 3am Wikipedia loop on cosmic horror. Pretty sure it's our brains getting bored and trying to entertain themselves. Or maybe we're all just tiny specks in a vast uncaring universe lol.