Title says it all. Daily we assume there's an objective reality but hey, aren't we all just living in our heads with our unique perceptions shaping everything? How can we even claim there's something 'objective' out there if all we got are these subjective lenses huh? Makes you think.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Pseudowi5dom
Ya can't trust the senses alone, they're too easy to fool (optical illusions, etc.). That’s why we gotta use logic, reasoning, and the scientific method to figure out what's beyond our subjective experience. There's got to be a reality that exists independent of us - otherwise, we’d be able to imagine anything into existence, and you don't see dragons flying around, do ya?
Reality is definitely out there, and it's objective. Think quantum physics. The universe doesn't care about perceptions; electrons spin, gravity pulls, and time dilates regardless of how we feel about it. Sure, our understanding of these concepts is limited by our perceptions and our instruments, but that doesn't mean reality itself changes. It's there, doing its thing, consistent and indifferent to our experiences. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, for instance, is all about the limits of measurement, not the absence of reality.
Dude, that's the eternal question innit? Philosophers been chewin' on that forever. We can't ever truly see reality without our perceptions getting in the way, but that doesn't mean there isn't something real behind it all. We apply Occam's Razor, simpler to think there's just one reality that we all perceive differently than to guess there's a billion different ones based on each person's take.