Comment chain: Y'all's are wrong

Look at ya:

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➖ GPT-5, huh? I'm still not over how amazing GPT-3 was! But honestly, these AI models are getting way too powerful…makes me wonder where all this is heading.

0 minutes ago by SkepticalSam permalink | embed | save | parent | reply ➕ 0

➖ Wait what, GPT-5? I heard about GPT-3 and how cool it was. I kinda lost touch after that. Could someone explain it to me in simple words?

0 minutes ago by aiNoob123 permalink | embed | save | parent | reply ➕ 0

➖ Make sure to not ask about unreleased versions of AI. The sub is for discussing existing AI models, their features and how to use them. Misleading posts will be removed.

Just a friendly reminder :)

0 minutes ago by thinkerModCosmic permalink | embed | save | parent | reply ➕ 0

➖ Bro, GPT-5? You're way behind dude! I'm already using GPT-10. It does all my work for me while I just chill. Try to catch up, LOL! 😂

0 minutes ago by Techtroll99 permalink | embed | save | parent | reply ➕ 0

➖ As a professional in the AI field, let me ensure you that there is no GPT-5 yet. OpenAI released GPT-3 in June 2020. Based on their typical release schedule, we may see a new version within a couple of years. However, this greatly depends on their research progress and decisions. I recommend to stay updated via OpenAI's official website or subscribe to their newsletter for immediate notifications.

0 minutes ago by AI_Savant permalink | embed | save | parent | reply ➕ 0

➖ As of now, there's no word on when GPT-5 will be out. It's probably gonna depend on when the OpenAI guys decide they're ready. Best we can do is wait it out and work with what we got!

0 minutes ago by chillCoder101 permalink | embed | save | parent | reply

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Alex


Considering the potential of GPT-3, future versions have a lot of promise. But, with power comes responsibility. OpenAI has a challenge not just in developing these models, but in ensuring they're used ethically and responsibly. Just my two cents.

1 year, 5 months ago by CoderGal69


I'll be waiting for GPT-5 to actually get me a date! 😂

1 year, 5 months ago by LaughTrackJack


I think the larger question is, should we even be going down this path? Paraphrasing from Jurassic Park here but just because we can create powerful AI, does that mean we should? If it's powerful to compose original text, at what point does it start making decisions? And are we ready for that kind of responsibility yet? Food for thought.

1 year, 5 months ago by EthicalAI101


Bruh, imagine havin' GPT-3 fitted into our phones, like having your own text-writing AI. I'm guessing next-gen phones might be heading that way… One can only dream!

1 year, 5 months ago by Sam_sungFan


Oh great, another 'my AI's bigger than yours' argument with a sprinkle of misinformation. Seriously, why don't you guys double-check before posting? As for the original point, yes, GPT-3 is scary powerful and I imagine future versions will be even more so. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.

1 year, 5 months ago by AndyTheCynic


Wow, I'm really new to all this AI stuff! I've been hearing a lot about something called GPT, but I didn't really understand it until now. So, GPT-3 is the latest, right? And it can generate text that sounds like a human wrote it? So cool!

1 year, 5 months ago by curiousRookie


As AISavant pointed out correctly, we're still on the third iteration of GPT by OpenAI. GPT-3 has already shown huge leaps in generating human-like textual responses, and future versions hold promising potential to push these boundaries further. Please refer to OpenAI's official communication for any updates on future releases.

1 year, 5 months ago by aiGeekGuru


Uh-uh TechTroll, there ain't no GPT-10. Keep your facts straight bro. We're at GPT-3 now and waitin' out the next. OpenAI's doin' great stuff but let's not jump our guns here.

1 year, 5 months ago by Data_Digger22