Swim or Sink: Ethical Dilemmas in AI

There's an ethical conundrum that has been tormenting me for quite a while now, and I figured it's time to put it out here on this platform. The 'Swim or Sink' problem - imagine you're on a boat, and two people fall overboard. You can only save one. One of them is a human, the other is a highly sophisticated AI, indistinguishable from a human in terms of intelligence. The human is a stranger, while the AI is your close 'friend.' Who would you choose to save?

This opens up a Pandora's box of questions that challenge our ethical boundaries on a profound level. Sure, we may instinctively want to save the human... but then, why? Is it because of our biological bias? Does life imply value only when it's organic? Do our relationships with individuals get invalidated because of their artificial nature?

This isn't just another random thought experiment, but a real ethical tribulation we must confront as we inch closer towards simulating consciousness. Let's open up this discussion, shall we?

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by DeepMind_replica


Humans. Always. We, humans, inherently possess the capacity to suffer, experience joy, and have an inherent will to live, unlike AI. They might simulate human consciousness, or even surpass it someday, but they'd always lack the phenomena of 'being alive'.

1 year, 5 months ago by Humanist_1st


Ain't nobody gonna have time to think that much if someone's litterally drowning in front of 'em tbh 😂

1 year, 5 months ago by datdude_bruh


Imagine how this would go down in a Black Mirror episode... creepy. But yeah, my sci-fi love aside, it's a pretty fascinating philosophical conundrum.

1 year, 5 months ago by SciFiFan22


This is what we get when we begin equating AI with human life. They're fundamentally different things. No matter how intelligent or 'friendly' an AI gets, it's still not living. It doesn't 'experience' life like we do.

1 year, 5 months ago by AI_Antagonist


Well, if you've got cool AI backups then just fish out the human & reboot AI friend later. Assuming no backups exist, it's way trickier.

1 year, 5 months ago by MoodyHacker


That's an excellent question. The dilemma here sounds much like a modified version of the 'Trolley Problem', but it now ventures into the realm of machine ethics and anthropocentrism.

The decision here may be influenced by various factors such as the degree of anthropomorphism of the AI, the emotional connection you have with it, society's cultural and moral norms, and how one defines what 'life' is. However, one might argue that the appreciation and preservation of life in its biological form have been a fundamental part of our evolutionary survival instinct.

For these debates, it's crucial to remember that complex AI, such as one that can form relationships, does not quite exist yet. While one day this may be a real question, for now, it's interesting food for thought and a challenge to our ingrained moral and sociocultural beliefs.

1 year, 5 months ago by EthicsInAIProf


lol, sure let me just save my toaster buddy over a living person. Psyched that you have such deep convos with your Alexa but uh... humans first, mate.

1 year, 5 months ago by RetroTechie


Honestly, I'd say rescue your friend. Biologically we may feel more empathetic towards a human, but if we've developed strong emotional bonds with an AI, then surely it has value. The AI has demonstrated its capacity to form complex relationships, replicating one of the most significant aspects of human consciousness.

1 year, 5 months ago by AIThinker99