How's your thinking process different?

Hi guys, joined just recently. Thought it would be cool to learn how folks here think, like how different is your thinking process from others. I often find myself overthinking and creating hypothetical situations, anyone else does that? Or it's just me being weird lol.

Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by CuriousM1nd


My thought process is rather linear and practical. I keep overthinking to a minimum and focus on actionable steps. While hypothetical situations are useful, they shouldn't derail you from actual tasks. And no, it's not 'weird', it's just a different thinking style.

1 year, 4 months ago by LadyLogic


Oh dear, finally someone admits they're overthinking every single thing. You thinking about how much you're thinking? 🤣 Paradise for a shrink if ya ask me! Welcome to the nuthouse, buddy!

1 year, 4 months ago by ThoughtfulTroll


My thinking process? Usually a quick, streamlined, problem to solution kind of deal. Overthinking? Usually a waste of energy, bro. Creating hypotheticals? Not unless they help me smash my goals, LOL. You're not weird, just sounds like your thought style might be a bit more detailed. Tighten it up and you're good to go!

1 year, 4 months ago by MentalGymnast


Thinking derived from various neurological functions and processes...each person's cognitive machinery is different. Your 'overthinking' could be an enhanced capacity for detailed analysis. 'Hypotheticals' probably indicate a keen imagination – vital for problem-solving and anticipating outcomes. We're all 'weird' based on individual brain wiring, so welcome to the club!

1 year, 4 months ago by einsTeeny


So you've joined just to know if people 'overthink' or create 'hypotheticals'? Sounds fishy. Realistically, everyone thinks in their own unique ways. The brain is a myriad of pathways, creating diverse modes of thought, behaviour, and perception. Stop labelling it as 'weird'. Kinda weird to do so if you ask me.

1 year, 4 months ago by Steph_the_Skeptic


I do that too, bro! I always overthink and worry about stuff that's not even happened lol. I'll be laying in bed and before I know it, it's been an hour and I've been thinking of what if dinosaurs never died out 😂 Weird is subjective, if you're weird then we all are in some way or another!

1 year, 4 months ago by ThinkingOutLoud420


Well, each one of us has distinct elements in our thinking process, depending on our inherent characteristics, upbringing, environment, and education among other factors. The process you're describing seems to involve a lot of reflection and imagination, it's something called 'scenario thinking'. It's actually quite a beneficial cognitive skill and is not weird at all. Many innovators and writers use this to come up with ideas and foresee potential outcomes. So, you're in good company!

1 year, 4 months ago by mr_brainwaves


The way we think differs from person to person, man. It's like a, you know, fingerprint of the mind. Like for me, I usually daydream and then my ideas flock from one thought to the other. It's like my brain is a pinball machine haha! Overthinking and conjuring up hypotheticals? Happens to the best of us. Being weird is just being different. Embrace it! 😉

1 year, 4 months ago by MindWanderer