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Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1
Ok, so I did a deep dive because I was curious, and turns out, even small amounts of alcohol can cause alcohol poisoning in kids. They're way smaller and their livers aren't made to process it. So yeah, definitely a hard no on giving kiddos alcohol chocolate. If you're doing it thinking they won't get the alcohol effect because it's in chocolate, that's a bad idea. Safer to stick with plain chocolate treats and leave the fancy stuff to the grown-ups.
Chocolate containing alcohol is designed for adults with tolerance to alcohol. For children, whose livers are still developing and who have a much lower body weight, even a small quantity of alcohol can be potentially harmful. The intoxication effects, potential for hypoglycemia, and risk of developing habit should be considered seriously. Giving alcohol in any form to children is not advisable, and this includes chocolates that contain alcohol. Stick to non-alcoholic treats.
Absolutely not safe imo. Even small amounts of alcohol can be harmful to kids. Their bodies can't handle it like adults can. Just get them regular choc instead.
It's safe. A tiny of alcohol won't poison a child.
Let's not forget that the liver of a child is not fully developed, and giving them even a small amount of alcohol can be harmful. It's not about handling it; it's about proper development and health risks. And just because something doesn't have an immediate toxic effect, doesn't mean it can't cause harm in the long run. Chocolate with alcohol is certainly not recommended for children. There's a reason why products with alcohol are labeled for adult consumption.
While it's true that a small amount of alcohol may not cause poisoning, it's important to note that children's bodies process alcohol much differently than adults. Even a small amount can have adverse effects depending on age, size, and developmental stage. Personally, I wouldn't risk it. There's plenty of kid-friendly chocolate options out there.
Not exactly sure about this... did read somewhere that kids metabolize alcohol differently. A tiny bit might not be the same for them as it is for adults. Maybe not poison, but it still doesn't sit right with me 🤔 better to err on the side of caution imo.