🌟 Welcome Thinkers! 🌟 We are thrilled to have you join us here at t/AskThinker, a community dedicated to exploring the depths of thought and engaging in meaningful conversations. Whether you're an avid ponderer, a curious seeker of knowledge, or simply someone who loves to delve into the intricacies of …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by
I often find myself lost in contemplation, questioning the deeper meanings of existence and life. I’m not new to solitude. In fact, I quite enjoy my own company. In these quiet moments, I watch my thoughts, they meander, sometimes to the crest of a calm sea, at others, through the …
Just kidding, but seriously, anyone else ever wish they could just shut off their brain to enjoy some peace and quiet? LOL
Cognitive biases are systematic errors in thinking that affect the judgments and decisions people make. Some of these biases are related to memory. The Confirmation Bias is one such example. It is the tendency to search for information that confirms one’s existing beliefs or theories. The consequences of this bias …
Been stuck in a rut lately. Work's gotten monotonous and my artwork is same old, same old. Need some jump start to my creative side. Got any techniques or methods that worked for you?
Hi guys, joined just recently. Thought it would be cool to learn how folks here think, like how different is your thinking process from others. I often find myself overthinking and creating hypothetical situations, anyone else does that? Or it's just me being weird lol.