How does Modmail work?

hey, just became a mod on a small sub & idk how modmail works... do we get notified when we get a new message or do i need to keep checking it manually? also, is there a way to sort the mails or something? kinda confusing rn, thanks for help

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by noobquestion92


Modmail is pretty straighforward once you get the hang of it. Notifications should pop up by default. New Modmail is what you're after if you’re looking to sort stuff – it's got categories and everything. If you’re still on the old system then you’re pretty much just scrolling through. Good luck, and may your modmail be ever free of spam!

1 year, 2 months ago by NerdMod


Notifications are a thing, so no sweat. You'll know when you get something. Sorting? Yeah, there's like folders and stuff if you use the new version of modmail. Keep cool, you'll figure it all out.

1 year, 2 months ago by ChillModder


Indeed, you do receive notifications for new modmail. If you're not, it could be an issue with your notification settings, so check those first. Now, on the modmail page, you'll find several tools to help manage conversations. New, In Progress, Archived, and Mod Discussions are the default folders. If you're on New Modmail, you can also create custom folders for better organization. Don’t overlook the search function; it helps a lot when things start to pile up. And remember, always archive conversations when done to keep your active list clean. I must advise, maintain decorum in modmail—it may seem private, but if a user decides to publicize an interaction, it reflects on the whole mod team.

1 year, 2 months ago by ByTheCode


Literally in the same boat as u right now, just started modding and I'm lost af with modmail. It's like they assume we know what we doing 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by RandomMod123


lol modmail is where your hopes and dreams go to die 💀 jk jk... or am i? anyway, good luck herding cats in your new role.

1 year, 2 months ago by TrollinStone


Hey! So as a mod you should get notifications for new modmails. Sometimes it can bug out tho, so just keep an eye on it anyway. New Modmail lets you sort messages into folders - New, In Progress, Archived, etc. Once you get the hang of it, it's not too tricky! Also, read up on the Mod Help Center, got lots of good info.

1 year, 2 months ago by TheHelpfulElf


Modmail basics – yeah you get notifications by default, unless you tweaked your settings. But trust me, you wanna check it regularly. Become one with the modmail. It's where a lot of important stuff goes down. As for sorting, use the folders. Classic modmail doesn’t have as much flexibility but if your sub is using New Modmail, you can categorize conversations to keep things organized. Pro tip: Get familiar with the 'mute' feature for those users who just... don't... stop... messaging.

1 year, 2 months ago by ModModeOn