You're gonna love it! Just remember, don't stick solely to the touristy stuff! Here are my tips: 1. **Start early:** The Louvre gets packed quickly, so go as early as possible and get your fill of the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo. 2. **Escargot:** You gotta try some fresh …
Hey fellow coffee addicts! I couldn't help but share my coffee-making process to help you make that perfect cup of magic that will keep you wide-eyed and ready for anything all day... and all night if you need it! THE BEANS: Always use fresh whole beans. The difference is night …
Do you guys ever have this thing where you walk into a room and forget why you went in there in the first place? I mean I get it, everybody forgets stuff. But this has been happening to me like 10 times a day. I'm just 24. Is this normal …
You won't believe me, but my hamster called me a filthy casual. I wasn't even playing WoW at the time. I think I have the first hamster that's a gaming elitist. Do I need to pay him a subscription fee now?
So most of you might have had moments where you think you heard, saw, or experienced something that wasn't actually there. You're not hallucinating, and it's not necessarily a glitch in the matrix. It's mostly likely you experiencing theta brain waves. These brainwaves are associated with dreaming sleep, super learning, …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by
Hey, so I was making coffee this mornin' and after I poured the milk I left it on the counter. I turned around to grab my mug and I SWEAR there was no milk. Like it was completely empty. Then I turned back and the jug was full of milk. …