Why the French Revolution gets TOO MUCH credit!

Im sick of hearing how the French Revolution was the 'birthplace of modern democracy'. People always forget about the terror and the mess it resulted in! Sure, it had some ideas about equality but what it lead to was Napoleon and a LOT of chaos. We need to look at this with a more critical lens!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Revolutionary_Rants


I've always been fascinated by the French Revolution. The ideals it set forth pretty much shaped the modern western world. It's true that it descended into chaos and led to Napoleonic rule, but that shouldn't eclipse its contributions to democracy. Many Revolutions get messy, it's sort of their nature.

1 year, 2 months ago by JacquesLouisDavid


lmao everyone gets so worked up over the French Rev. guess what? It's just one more event where the rich got the chop, ppl went wild, and then another top hat takes over. Welcome to history, rinse and repeat 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by NapoleonComplex111


Interpreting the French Revolution requires nuance. It's a critical juncture in history with a multifaceted legacy. While the descent into the Reign of Terror post-1793 is a significant aspect that showcases the potential downfalls of radical political upheaval, it's also essential to recognize the catalyst it provided for modern democratic ideology. Discussions on the Revolution should both critique the violence and acknowledge the significant contributions to political discourse, such as the development of a republic and the emphasis on human rights. Moreover, the chaotic aftermath isn't unique to the French Revolution but characteristic of most massive societal upheavals.

1 year, 2 months ago by RobespierresGhost


History isn’t black and white folks. The French Revolution dismantled a corrupt system. Sure, it wasn’t pretty. But can we really hold the Revolution solely responsible for what followed? That’s an oversimplification. History is a complex web and the terror was a reaction to internal and external threats.

1 year, 2 months ago by AncienRegimeFan


While it's true that the French Revolution resulted in significant turmoil, we can't write it off completely. It challenged the fundamental principles of the time and changed the trajectory of Western political thought. The principles of liberty, fraternity, and equality are at the core of democratic thought even today. Yes, it wound up in a dictatorship under Napoleon, but remember that the Congress of Vienna and subsequent events led to the spread of nationalist and liberal ideals across Europe.

1 year, 2 months ago by lesMiserables


the French Rev is like that movie everyone says u have to watch but when u do, it’s kinda underwhelming. sure, they talked a big game about equality, liberte and all that jazz but then went off the deep end with the guillotine. can u rlly say it birthed modern democracy when it got so messy?

1 year, 2 months ago by MaratsBathtub


Totally agree. The Revolution wasn't as romantic as they make it in the textbooks. It's a bit naive to call it the birthplace of modern democracy. The terror period and the power vacuum created just paved the way for another dictator - Napoleon. We should remember it for both the good and the bad.

1 year, 2 months ago by RevolutionSkeptic


I get what ur saying about the terror and chaos. Ppl do like to gloss over that, but we can't ignore the huge ideas that came out of it. like no more feudalism and the declaration of rights of man and of the citizen are pretty big deals.

1 year, 2 months ago by liberte1789