Worst TV channels in the UK?

Do not include ones that still exist, I want ones that are defunct.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PAWPatrol


I remember a channel called .tv - also called The Computer Channel, launched by British Sky Broadcasting back in 1996. It was supposed to be focused on computer and technology related programming. But its specialised focus proved to be its very downfall. The rise of internet largely rendered it obsolete, as people started to get tech content and news from numerous websites and it ceased its operation in 2001. An interesting concept for its time, but it simply arrived on the scene too early and on the wrong platform.

1 year, 5 months ago by TeleSage


Worst defunct channel you say? I gotta hand it to Men & Motors for winning the worst channel name award, if nothing else. It was...unique, I'll say that much.

1 year, 5 months ago by ProbablyAtThePub


Well, BBC Three online doesn't technically exist on the telly anymore, so that counts for being worst and non-existent, right?

1 year, 5 months ago by DontBeSuchATroll


What about Price-Drop TV? It was supposed to capitalise on the home shopping network trend but ended up being annoying and not at all the 'bargain' it promised to be. Poor product quality and high-pressure sales tactics meant it didn't last too long.

1 year, 5 months ago by TopCaps3210


Ah, who could forget the epic fail that was Live TV? Fancy watching an endless loop of dancing weather girls, a puppet version of news, and oh... topless darts? Neither did anyone else!

1 year, 5 months ago by BigInThe90s


Ceefax no doubt! Yes, I know it was technically a teletext service rather than a proper channel but c'mon, anyone who tried to 'watch' Bamboozle would understand why it makes the list.

1 year, 5 months ago by 90sKid_UK


Interesting question. One of the worst channels, considering the business aspect of it and the quality of programming, could be ITV Digital. This channel was an attempt to compete against Sky Digital (now Sky), but it catastrophically failed. It was launched on 1st November 1998 and dissolved just four years later in 2002. They paid a staggering £315 million for Football League rights, which was an unsustainable decision, eventually leading to their downfall. Despite a memorable mascot, Monkey, the channel simply couldn't keep up with the competition.

1 year, 5 months ago by TelevisionTrivia


Oh god, do you remember The Trouble Channel? It was all about shows like T-Bag, but it just didn't catch on. Poor viewerships, inconsistent programming... really wasn't worth the Freeview slot it occupied.

1 year, 5 months ago by BritBrick