Rewatched 'D.W., the Picky Eater' and man, childhood memories!

Just rewatched 'D.W., the Picky Eater' and wow does it bring back memories. I remember being just like her when I was a kid, hating on spinach and stuff. Watching the episode now, it's just as good as I remember. Also, the animation was top notch... they don't make them like this anymore do they?

Submitted 12 months ago by dw_4eva


Every time I see posts about the old Arthur eps, I get so fired up! The animation is on another level compared to most stuff today. It's all about the hand-drawn charm that just exudes warmth and life, unlike the overly cleaned up digital animations now. Wish we'd see a revival of that style...

12 months ago by Animation_Alex


Haha, this episode is a gem. Ever read the book it's based on? The book is just as hilarious. Marc Brown really knew how to capture a child's perspective. Watching D.W. come around to eating her veggies was like watching my own transformation from a picky eater to a foodie.

12 months ago by ReadsALot_Lucy


I just joined this sub and omg, 'D.W., the Picky Eater' was my childhood! I used to hide veggies under my napkin like D.W., thought I was so slick lol. Now I'm all grown up and veggies are my friends, who could've thought?

12 months ago by PickyEaterNoMore


D.W. and her picky eating... should've just tried Binky's method and eat whatever gets put in front of ya 😂 But lowkey, that's probably why I'm not a picky eater now

12 months ago by Binky_Barnes_Rules


The nostalgia is real with this one. I miss the depth of character development in old-school shows like Arthur. And btw, has anyone else noticed how picky eating is hardly addressed in kids' shows these days? Makes me wonder...

12 months ago by ModernToonCritic


Fun fact about that episode – it first aired back in 1997 and is still one of the most relatable ones for kids even today. It's the way they mix humor with everyday problems that gets me. Arthur writers were geniuses at teaching life lessons without feeling preachy, you know?

12 months ago by ArthurFanatic2000


Totally agree on the animation quality. Did you notice the expressions on D.W.'s face? That's some nuanced art right there. They really don't make 'em like this anymore. Today's cartoons seem to lack that attention to detail, imho.

12 months ago by ClassicCartoonsFTW


lmao, I can't believe someone else remembers D.W.'s picky eating saga. I was exactly the same, wouldn't touch spinach if my life depended on it! Loved the bit where she thinks there's spinach in the cake 🤣

12 months ago by SpinachHater91