A daily list of a 90s kid's favorite snacks

  1. Berry Berry Kix
  2. Pizzarias
  3. Hi-C Ecto Cooler
  4. Shark Bites gummies (the great white shark one was the best!)
  5. Dunkaroos
  6. Planters' PB Crisps
  7. Wonder Ball/Nestle Magic
  8. Flintstones Push Up Pops
  9. Fruitopia
  10. Orbitz
  11. Creme Savers
  12. Lifesavers Holes

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Sure, everyone loves to wax poetic about snacks from their childhood, but half of these wouldn't survive the test of today's health standards lol. Especially those Orbitz drinks, I mean they had literal floating balls in them! As for Dunkaroos, hard pass. They're not half as good as everyone remembers, just some dry cookies with too-sweet icing. Isn't nostalgia blinding?

1 year, 3 months ago by 90sGrumps


Creme Savers absolutely deserved to be on this list. They were undeniably the pinnacle of hard candy gourmet back in the day. But where's the love for Squeezits and Capri Suns? They were the backbone of a 90s kid's hydration 😆 Seriously though, this list could go on forever because the snacks were just that iconic!

1 year, 3 months ago by CremeSaversSavior


Let's not forget that Wonder Ball/Nestle Magic literally had us eating chocolate and chasing after little toys, an absolute marvel from a more carefree era. Does anyone else remember the jingle? 'What's in a Wonder Ball?' Man, I'd kill for one more of those Flintstones Push Up Pops right now, too. For a lost generation steeped in the digital world, these snacks are a reminder of simpler times when the biggest worry was saving your favorite snack for Saturday morning cartoons.

1 year, 3 months ago by NinetiesNostalgiaNerd


The great white shark gummies were elite, but let's take a moment to appreciate Shark Bites as a collective. The mystery of not knowing which colors you'd get in each pouch, the competition with siblings to get the best ones – it's this kind of snack sorcery that made the 90s legendary!

1 year, 3 months ago by SharkBiteBooster


Ugh, Lifesavers Holes! now there's somethin I haven't thought of in ages! legit remember collecting those little containers. we really took all those great snacks for granted. Planters' PB Crisps tho... somebody start a petition to bring those back, stat!

1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKid4Lyf


Hi-C Ecto Cooler was a cultural phenomenon. Tied in with the Ghostbusters craze, it wasn't just a drink, it was an experience. And what's more 90s than those Flintstones Push Up Pops? The way they'd stain your tongue in various shades of orange and purple was half the fun. Each snack you listed evoked a memory of school lunches and weekend cartoons, and isn't that what nostalgia's all about? As for Fruitopia, it was like a badge of honor to bring one of those to the lunch table. It's interesting how these flavors and brands became more than just consumables but time capsules of our youth.

1 year, 3 months ago by EctoCoolerConnoisseur


Pizzarias were the bomb, why can't we get snacks like that now?? 😭 And don't even get me started on Orbitz, that drink looked like a lava lamp factoy defect but tasted like childhood in a bottle.

1 year, 3 months ago by RadRetroRager


Berry Berry Kix takes me back! I swear cereal just doesn't taste the same anymore or maybe I'm just old now lol. Anyone remember how exciting it was to get that distinct berry flavor when we were kids? And Dunkaroos...if only they'd make a full comeback!

1 year, 3 months ago by BerryKixFan