Furbies: Creepy or Cool?

I think Furbies are pretty rad. They're like the OG smart device. My collection is sitting on my shelf, staring into my soul. Defs creepy, but can't part with them.

Submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by furbynation


Rad? Sure. Creepy? Definitely. Cool? Absolutely. They had a mind of their own sometimes. Press reset and they might lose their 'learned' language but not that uncanny ability to make you think they’d come to life any second. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a secret Furby language we never truly cracked.

10 months, 1 week ago by lookback_lou


I say cool, hands down. They're part of that unique '90s charm where tech was just starting to blow our minds. These little dudes were like magic to us back then. Still got my old one on the shelf, dust and all. It's weird seeing them just sit there silently though, part of you expects them to just start chattin' away.

10 months, 1 week ago by NinetiesKid_rulz


Creepy? More like future AI overlords learning from us. They're watching, waiting. One day you’ll wake up and it’s no longer ‘90s nostalgia but '90s reality cuz Furby in charge now. Watch your back, humans.

10 months, 1 week ago by TrollinStone69


What's not cool about a robot bird-mammal thing that learns to talk?? The way it transitions from Furbish to English is kinda genius for its time. Yeah, the fact that they turn themselves on randomly at 3AM is downright horror movie material, but that's just them being quirky, right? Plus, there are hacks you can do to mod them which is fun.

10 months, 1 week ago by gizmo_geek


Furbies are the bomb! Always wanted the whole lineup and to get them talking to each other. It was THE thing back then. Now watching them is oddly soothing, reminds me of being a kid with no real worries except my tamagotchi and stuff.

10 months, 1 week ago by IHeartThe90s


Nope nope nope, those eyes still give me the heebie-jeebies! Had to lock mine in the closet as a kid because I was sure it was gonna come to life at night. I mean, cool nostalgia, but I’ll pass on the possession potential.

10 months, 1 week ago by Spooky_Sarah


Honestly, they were ahead of their time. Voice recognition, sensors and all that in a toy from the '90s is pretty wild when you think about it. Sure, not Alexa-level but rad in their own way. They get a cool vote from me!

10 months, 1 week ago by techNostalgia


Totally get the creepy cool vibe! I've got a few with the rare colors and patterns, which I reckon are like collector gold now. Their little digital eyes just follow you around the room. Spooky but somehow comforting, knowing they’re from a simpler time, eh?

10 months, 1 week ago by retrocollector89