Why 'Friends' was truly the iconic 90s sitcom

As a die-hard Friends fan (watched all 10 seasons thrice on VHS, on loop on Nick at Nite and have ALL the trivia down), I can't help but emphasize how much Friends was THE sitcom of the 90s. A show about six friends navigating work, relationships and life's messy bits in NYC, it was and IS still the perfect emotional escape. It had the magic blend of humor, romance, drama and the whole Ross-Rachel 'will they, won't they' kept the audience hooked.

Though Friends may seem cheesy to some, it was a revolutionary show for its time. It wasn't afraid to address social issues like single motherhood (you go, Rachel), divorce, adoption and even surrogacy (Phoebe carrying her brother's triplets, anyone?). It was fresh, it was funny, and it was relatable. I can't imagine the 90s without Friends, and I can't imagine my life without it too!

Submitted 1 year ago by FriendsFanForever


Oh wow, another post about how Friends is the sitcom of the 90s. Groundbreaking observation. 🙄

1 year ago by MySarcasmIsLikeChandler


I mean, 'WE WERE ON A BREAK' is like the love warcry of the 90s! Who does not know Ross and Rachel? They were way more dynamic than any other couple. Let's not even get started on the whole 'She got off the plane!' thing. Ah, the feels!

1 year ago by Ross-n-Rachel-4eva


I remember waiting eagerly for Thursdays, just to watch the new episode on NBC. Those were the times! Also, can we have a moment for Chandler's sarcasm? That guy was just hilarious! 'Could I BE more...'

1 year ago by NoOneGetsChandlersSarcasm


I'm kinda new to the whole 90s TV scenes (thanks mom and dad for making me a 2000s kid), but I started watching Friends during lockdown. It's sooooo good! I've never been to NYC, but it's like I'm there with Ross, Rachel, Joey, Chandler, Monica and Phoebe. I can understand why it made such a huge impact.

1 year ago by IShouldBeDoingMyHomework


Fully agree with your thoughts on Friends' impact. However, it's key to also note that the show shaped the way sitcoms were written and shot. It introduced the concept of an ensemble cast where all characters have almost equal screen time and storyline importance. Not to mention the influence its comedic timing had on sitcoms that followed. A truly groundbreaking show!

1 year ago by SitcomHistorian


Sure, Friends was okay I guess. But seriously, was it THE iconic sitcom of the 90s? What about Seinfeld, or Frasier? Remember The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? Friends was more like comfort food TV. Loved Ross and Rachel though.

1 year ago by not-a-tv-person


Crazy-obsessed Friends fan here! Totally with you on this. And let's not forget, it brought COFFEE SHOPS into popularity. THEY made hanging out at Central Perk cool way before Starbucks sipping became a thing. Besides, Joey's 'how you doin', Ross's 'we were on a break', Chandler's sarcasm, Monica's competitiveness, Rachel's hairstyles, and Phoebe's 'Smelly Cat', are iconic!

1 year ago by CentralPerkLover91