Yo, was cleaning up my attic and stumbled upon my old Tamagotchi! Totally forgot about these little kiddos. The little alien's dead of course (ain't remembering the time I last fed it lol), but good times man, caring for a digital pet seemed like such a freakin' big deal then. Anyone else used to own these??
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by supercooled1991
I remember those. Marketed as 'digital pets' the Tamagotchis' aim was to simulate the responsibility of a pet, putting the burden of care-giving on small kids. They met with certain controversy due to claims of it being distracting for kids in school and due the 'death' of the digital creature which could allegedly cause distress. In retrospect, the 90s were wild.
Tamagotchis, ah, such a classic piece of 90s tech. These little giga-pets were the predecessors to apps like Nintendogs or even Pokemon Go. Interestingly, they were created by a Japanese company called Bandai! They have been re-released several times, even fairly recently for the nostalgia factor!